Monday 7 February 2011

Building your digital marketing jigsaw

Here are some practical steps you should take when building your digital marketing jigsaw:

  1. Get your “Home” in order before you invite visitors in. Make sure your website reflects you and speaks to your target audience. How can you solve their problems? No website is better than a bad one.

  2. Make sure you can be found by Google and its friends – ensure your website has simple, good optimisation – your web developer should talk to you about this. Check out Google Maps – gets you right to the top of the Googles.

  3. To blog or not to blog? Can you provide your clients and prospects with valuable changing content? This is easier for service industries than with products. If you can then a blog can be a good platform – if not don’t create one and leave it empty

  4. Be a content radar. Start to make a list of topics, articles, themes, current market trends that you can talk to you clients and prospects about. How can you grab their attention and see you as a source of help? What campaigns are you planning? Events, workshops, special offers

  5. Choose your on-line soap boxes – which social media sites are best for you and your business?
    Linkedin – BtoB
    Facebook – BtoC – main users 15 – 35 yr olds but 35 – 55 growing users
    Twitter – cross section but mainly service industries
    Youtube – great if you have a visual business

  6. Get a good photo and profile for each of the sites, either as yourself or your business.

  7. Start following and listening to others. Join in the conversation. Start your own conversation – start spreading the word from your website, blog via social media and email.

  8. Integrate with your existing Off-Line Marketing

  9. When in doubt get some advice or help …..  or attend one of our Social Media workshops